Ambitio College participated in the third digital skills workshop in the Erasmus+ project VET-Di.Ca.B.

From May 14 to 16th, 2024, the third and last digital skills workshop VET teachers was held within the Erasmus+ project Digital capacity building for VET teachers and trainers – VET-Di.Ca.B. attended by representatives of the Ambitio director Alen Stranjik, project manager Željka Ciler and VET teachers – external collaborators of Ambitio Ivica Turčić and Goran Stokić. The workshop was organized by partner organization Bulgaria Training in Sofia, Bulgaria and gathered teachers – representatives of partner organizations.

In the framework of the workshop entitled “Integrative methods of reconciliation between physical and virtual environments in VET“, the participants discussed the concept of integration of physical and virtual environments in VET, recognizing the importance of mixing both for an effective learning experience. They were introduced to different virtual interaction techniques, tools and platforms available to create engaging and immersive learning environments and concepts related to tests, measurement and evaluation used in education to explain how learning progress and the ultimate learning outcome of learners are assessed. They also learned how combine physical and virtual learning experiences to create a balanced and effective learning environment that caters for different learning styles and preferences. They also examine case studies and examples of successful integration of physical and virtual methods in VET, drawing insights and inspiration for their own teaching practices.

In the practical part, they explored the digital tool Miro in which they created mental maps on given topics, applied storytelling in a traditional way and then using the Artflow Al application created a unique story with the help of artificial intelligence in an online environment. Working together in groups, they shared ideas and participated in discussions to foster a collaborative learning environment.

The coordinator of that Erasmus+ project is IRECOOP Impresa Sociale Soc. Coop. from Italy, and partners are Ambitio College, Association “BULGARIA TRAINING” from Bulgaria and Inercia Digital S.L. from Spain. The ongoing project was financed from the Erasmus+ program of the European Union and will finish until June 30th, 2024.

More about the project you can read HERE.
