Head of Ambitio participated in a structured course in the Erasmus+ project Upskilled

From April 29th to May 3rd, 2024, head of Ambitio College, Alen Stranjik, participated in a structured course “Integrating AI in the Classroom With Critical Thinking” in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, as part of Erasmus+ of the Upskilled project whose project coordinator is the Croatian Chamber of Economy CCE.

Chamber is very active in the field of human resources development as well as adult education, and in this sense, it has an Association for the Development of Human Resources and Adult Education whose main goal is to enable further development and improvement of the field of adult education in Croatia. In this sense, Ambitio College, as an active member of the Association, had the opportunity to participate in project activities and contribute to improving the quality and availability of adult education, promoting the importance of adult education, contributing to increasing cooperation, networking and conducting research in adult education.

The course, organized by the Europass Teacher Academy, was designed to equip educators/teachers with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively incorporate artificial intelligence into teaching methods, thereby encouraging critical thinking among participants. The course was delivered in the form of interactive lectures, hands-on activities, and collaborative discussions, all aimed at empowering teachers to use AI technology in their classrooms. The topics covered a wide range of AI tools that can be used in planning, preparation, implementation of lessons, assessment, and evaluation of learning outcomes, as well as the ethics of using artificial intelligence in education.

The participants gained knowledge about the potential of artificial intelligence in the process of transforming the traditional teaching and learning process. In this regard, they learned that AI tools can help teachers prepare more engaging and personalized lessons, automate routine tasks such as assessing and evaluating learning outcomes, and provide learners with real-time feedback, allowing teachers to focus more on interactive and meaningful interactions in the classroom. In addition, artificial intelligence can help identify learners’ strengths and weaknesses, enabling a more tailored approach to education that meets individual learning needs.

The course enabled participation and learning in an international environment, improving English language skills, and developing a network of cooperation with other European organizations, while providing a comprehensive overview of different AI tools and their application in education.

After returning from mobility, Alen shared the acquired knowledge and skills with colleagues and teachers of Ambitio College. For this purpose, a lecture was organized for our teachers and staff with a focus on the practical application of AI tools in teaching. The presentation was aimed at integrating knowledge and techniques learned during Erasmus+ mobility into the regular work of Ambitio. A variety of AI tools are demonstrated that can be used for different aspects of the teaching process, including preparation, planning, execution, evaluation and assessment.
